Article Owner

Articles can now be sorted and filtered by their owner

Article owners receive notifications and can publish changes to their articles, even if they are listed only as editors.

The user who publishes an article is automatically set as the article owner by default.

Knowledge Base (KB) Ownership Transfer

Ownership of a Knowledge Base (KB) can now be transferred to another user, allowing for seamless handover of responsibility

Enhanced User Lists

User lists now display each user's email address, simplifying identification when multiple users have the same or similar names

User lists can now be sorted by any column, making it quicker and more efficient to locate users and review their roles.

Bug Fixes in the Release

  • Corrected heading alignment on the Manage Articles screen for a cleaner layout (18709).
  • Resolved an issue where certain tooltips persisted after navigation in specific scenarios (18921).
  • Fixed a problem preventing the Decision Tree diagram from rendering when certain reserved words were included in the subject (18691).
  • Fixed the search button issue where previous results remained visible after a new search attempt (18920).
  • Addressed a problem with the order of linked items in decision trees (19455).
  • Various backend improvements to enhance overall system security and stability.